Otgontenger first began offering degree programs in law in 1994 following Decree 103 issued by the Minister of Education. In 1999 the university was licensed to offer master’s and doctorate degree programs in law. The main unit of the university to provide legal education started as the Law Department and offered its courses in the 1995-1996 academic year. Starting in the 2005-2006 academic year, the School of Law was established as one of the three schools of Otgontenger University, therefore changing its legal status.
The School of Law is proud of its accomplishments as the result of effective partnerships, evident from over 80 projects and programs that have been implemented jointly with international, governmental and nongovernmental organizations. Our students becoming a part of these projects and programs and thus gain valuable practical experience. As a result, our university’s affiliation with these organizations continues to grow stronger.
The School of Law consists of the Department of Public Law, Department of Private Law, and the Academic Research Center and Legal Clinic. The faculty includes 20 professors and adjunct professors who have degrees and honors including Members of Mongolian Academy of Sciences and Academics, PhD’s in Law, and Honored Teachers of Mongolia. Cabinets for Intellectual Property Law, Process Law, International Law, Civil Law and Administrative Law were formed at the requests and with the initiatives of establishing professional, specialized cabinets. Over the years, the School of Law has trained over 2000 legal professionals.
Legal studies
Bachelor's program
Study period : 2.5 - 4 years
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Legal studies
Bachelor's program
Study period : 4 years
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Legal studies
Master's program
Study period : 1.5 years
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Legal studies
Doctor's program
Study period : 3 years
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Legal studies
Bachelor's program
Study period : 2.5 - 3.5 years
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School of Law
Our teachers
Нийтийн эрх зүйн тэнхим
Отгонтэнгэр их сургуулийн Хууль зүйн сургуулийн харъяа Нийтийн эрх зүйн тэнхим нь 2007-2008 оны хичээлийн жил Олон улсын эрх зүйн тэнхим нэртэйгээр анх байгуулагдаж байсан бөгөөд 2016-2017 оны хичээлийн жил Нийтийн эрх зүйн тэнхим болж өөрчлөгдөн зохион байгуулагдсан.
2017-2018 оны хичээлийн жилийн байдлаар Нийтийн эрх зүйн тэнхим нь тэнхимийн эрхлэгч С.Эрдэнэболор, багш доктор Г.Гантөмөр, Т.Мөнхдалай, З.Түвшинбат, Н.Эрдэнэбаяр, О.Хишигмөнх, Ц.Ундрах, Д.Даваадорж, Ү.Амарбат, Б.Досжан нарын үндсэн 10 багш, зөвлөх багшаар хууль зүйн шинжлэх ухааны доктор, профессор, Академич, Ж.Амарсанаа нарын бүрэлдэхүүнтэй сургалтын үйл ажиллагааг явуулж байна.
Тэнхимийн багшлах бүрэлдэхүүний хувьд:
Хувийн эрх зүйн тэнхимийн танилцуулга
Отгонтэнгэр их сургууль нь 1994 оноос эхлэн эрх зүйч мэргэжлээр мэргэжилтэн бэлтгэж эхэлсэн бөгөөд 1995 онд эрх зүйн тэнхим анхлан байгуулагдсан. Харин 2005 оноос эхлэн эрх зүйн тэнхим нь Хууль зүйн сургууль болон өргөжиж, улмаар Бизнесийн эрх зүйн тэнхим шинээр байгуулагдан өнөөг хүртэл сургалтын үйл ажиллагааг тасралтгүй хэрэгжүүлж байна.
2014 оны 09 дүгээр сарын 09-ний өдрийн Боловсролын Магадлан Итгэмжлэх Үндэсний Зөвлөлийн 01 дүгээр тогтоолоор "Аж ахуйн эрх зүйн мэргэжил"-ийн бакалаврын зэрэг олгох сургалтын хөтөлбөр магадлан итгэмжлэгдэв.
Тэнхимийн эрхэм зорилго: Оюутныг чадваржуулъя, нийгэмшүүлье, багшийг хөгжүүлье
Тэнхимийн зорилт
Салбарын онцлог, давуу тал
Тогтмол явуулдаг сургалт, эрдэм шинжилгээ, соёл урлаг, хүмүүжлийн ажил
Сургалтын чиглэлээр зохион байгуулдаг ажил:
Эрдэм шинжилгээний болон мэргэжлийн чиглэлээр зохион байгуулдаг ажил
Соёл, урлагийн чиглэлээр зохион байгуулдаг ажил:
Хүмүүжлийн чиглэлээр зохион байгуулдаг ажил:
1986 - current Research articles and publications altogether more than 60
2002 - 2004 Co-author of the Civil law commentary
1997 - 1998 Co-author of Bench book for judges-I
2003 - 2004 Co-author of Bench book for judges-II
1999 Author of Civil law student’s book
“Stopping Sexual Harassment at Work” for Obeying Law magazine in 2006;
“Legal Protection of Homeless Child” for Legal Renovation magazine in 2003;
“Family, Legal Protection Term” for Future of Mongolian Family magazine.
“Needs and Reasons of Amending Child Protection From Violence, Exploitation and Abuse to the Related Laws and Regulations” Otgontenger University, 2010;
“Amending Legal Protection for Child Rights to the restated Family Law” Child Fund Japan ,2009;
“The International Approaches of Natural Resources Management and Comparative Study on Legal Regulations of Pastureland in Central Asia and Mongolia” published to the journal Biodiversity Management and Forestry with Impact factor. https://www.scitechnol.com/peer-review/the-international-approaches-of-natural-resources-management-and-comparative-study-on-legal-regulations-of-pastureland-in-central--QWVG.php?article_id=6880, 2017
Khalkh Gol agricultural free zone’s consequences will influence to Mongolian Independence, Political newsletter, 2015
Mongolian pastureland utilisation’s tradition, Russia, Ulan-Ude, 2015
Some issues of legal regulation on protections of untouched natural resources, Korea, Jeju law University, 2015
The international policy in the field of the pastureland management and Mongolia, Russia, Ulan-Ude, 2014
The international conventions related pasture, Mongolian Supreme court, 2014
The faced issues of pastureland legal regulation, Mongolia, Ulanbator, Shikhikhutug Legal Institute, 2014
legal framework of pastureland management in Mongolia, Otgontenger University, International paper, Ulanbatar, 2014
Herder’s organization is a subject of pastureland relation, Mongolian Humanity University, international paper, 2014
The legal regulation of natural resources, “Study on Ger Camp Development and Landscape Preservation in Mongolia and Inner Mongolia” Japan international paper, 2013
The regulation of sustainable pastureland and management with an emphasis on the laws of Mongolia, with examples from Iceland, Australia, and New Zealand and recent international treaties in the field of the environment, Iceland, project work, 2011
The state policy of Mongolian herders, "Green gold" newsletter, 2010 № 02
Legal regulation of otor - resource pasture, "Green gold" newsletter, 2010 № 01
Comparative study on draft law of pastureland, "Green gold" newsletter, 2010 № 03
The concept of law on pastureland, "Green gold" newsletter, 2009 № 02
The concept of law on pastureland, "Zuunii medee" - newsletter, 04.11.2009 № 3330
Current legal regulation of Mongolian pastureland, "Green gold" newsletter, 2009 № 01
The some problems legal regulations of pastureland in Mongolia and Inner Mongolia, Mongolia, Ulanbator, Shikhikhutug Legal Institute, 2009
The concept on Draft law on pastureland, Japan and Mongolia, International paper, 2009
Traditional regulation of Mongolian pastureland management, Mongolian state and law, Mongolian suprime court, 2007/ №04
The comparative study of arbitration laws, Rule of law, 2004/№15 etc.
Oral presentations to international conferences in English:
legal framework of arbitration procedure in Mongolia, Association for Arbitration center of Harbin, 2019
Arbitration process of Mongolia, Hong Kong International Arbitration center, 2018
International policy of the environment and legal framework of pastureland management in Mongolia, at 7th World Conference on Ecological Restoration, in Foz Do Iguassu, in Brazil, 2017
The international policy in the field of the pastureland management and Mongolia, In Russia, Ulan-Ude, A2015
Legal and regulatory framework for pastureland management in Mongolia, In Annual Meeting of the Society for Range Management, USA, Spokane, Washington, 2012
The regulation of sustainable pastureland management of Mongolia and recent international Treaties in the field of the environment, In Iceland, Reykjavik 2011
The building social and natural resource management, Princeton University, USA, 2010
Pastoralist Land Tenure at a Policy Crossroads, In Annual Meeting of the Society for Range Management, USA, Denver, Colorado, 2010
International policy of the environment and legal framework of pastureland management in Mongolia, book, 2017, Germany
Pastureland uses management, book, 2016, Ulaanbaatar
Livelihood study of herders in Mongolia (in English and Mongolia), (co-authored) 2 books, 2010, Ulaanbaatar
Foreign trade, (co-authored) Book, 2001, Ulaanbaatar
International law, Handbook, 2009, Ulaanbaatar
International law, Handbook, 2009, Ulaanbaatar
2019 2018 2018 2016 2010 -2013 2008-2010 2010 Jan-May 2010 2009 2009 2009 2009 2008 |
Member of working group, UNFPA, National Human Rights Commission of Mongolia Researcher of the team, Draft law on Family law Researcher of the team, Legal analysis of land disputes, Legal development NGO and Open Society Forum Member of working group, Efficiency of Family Violence law, UNFPA, National Human Rights Commission of Mongolia Team member, Hans-Zaidel’s foundation-“Improvement program of teachers of law schools”, Ministry of Law Member of working group, Human Rights NGO, Save the children system Team member, Guidance of practicing on law assistance centers , Ministry of Law Team member, Family law project on “ Save the children foundation of UK” Member of law consulting on local area, “ Save the children foundation of Japan” Member of processing team, “Standard of law clinic“ implemented by World bank and Ministry of Law Lawyer, “save the children from sexual abuse” program implemented by Mongolian national children center Project member, “Court observation” (implemented with the open society forum) USAID and Otgontenger University, Training teacher of legal clinical center
The rule of law journal 2006 year The rule of law journal 2007 year The rule of law journal 2010 year Journal of human rights 2012 Otgontenger University research scientific publications 2012 year Otgontenger university.2013 year Otgontenger university research paper 2014 year Social and economic problems and solution,/ International Symposium 2014 year Otgontenger university research paper 2015 year Mongolian National University, Graduate School of Law, 2016 Otgontenger university research paper 2017 year Law Enforcement University, research paper 2017 Law Enforcement University, Legal process it’s reform of law, research paper 2017 Otgontenger university research paper 2018 year Otgontenger university research paper 2019 year |
Court presedent as a source of legal Some of the issues on the practice court Legal clinics training problems Transfer it to the placement of the child welfare comparative study of the international regulatory framework Transfer it to the child care service framework Comparative study of countries, legal clinics standards The lawyer's professional responsibility and the nature of its content Mongolian national development of clinical legal education , and issues Legal clinical education of the foreign country’s experiences The training methodology of legal clinical education: in Mongolia The terms of reflected on law is a legal norm Court observation, case management and court scheduling Tradition of legal regulation of the terminate marriage by court Sustainable development: Personal responsibility and obligation Legal responsibility in Family law |
2018 2017 2013 2013 2012 2012 2008 |
Legal analysis of judicial review - 1 Legal clinical education, handbook “Study papers of Compared law” /Co-creation/ “Study papers of law” /Co-creation/ “Business’s law”/Co-creation/ Legal theory, Constitution Administrative Legislation Handbook of Management of law clinic /Co-creation/ |
Copyright in Mongolia, Human right magazine, Nov 2002
Intellectual property law teaching in Mongolia, ``Global issues of Intellectual property`` international seminar, Dec 2002
Regulations of trademark and geographical indication, State in Law, March 2003
Traditional knowledge, Rule of law, Feb 2006
Curriculum of labor law subject, handbook, Apr 2006 /co-writer/
The legal regulation of know how, Rule of law, Apr 2006
Civil and business law (co-writer), handbook for students, May 2006
Mongolian social welfare law in transition period, Rule of law, Aug 2006
Labor law (co-writer), guidebook, Sept 2007
Comparative analysis of the Law on Cooperative and new draft law on Cooperative, Rule of law, Dec 2007
Risk factors in the new Mongolian land system, Annual report on Research and education of Nagoya University, March 2010u
Against sexual harassment on the workplace, pamphlet for employer and employee (co-writer). 2010
Mongolian Legal regulation analysis on protection of beauty of landscape, presented International Conference organized by OTIS and Obirlin University of Japan, 2011
Digital property, presented on International Conference organized by Amnesty International and OTIS, 2012
Comprehensive review and analysis of legal and regulatory environment of insurance industry of Mongolia, report for UNDP, 2011
Social Welfare Law /handbook/, 2013, co-writer
Copyright, joint research (Mongolia, PRC, Russia and Republic of Korea), 2016
Using intellectual property as collateral: Comparative study, 2016
Risk factors using IP as collateral: International Experience and Mongolian Perspective.
Өөрийн болон ОХУ-ын мэргэжлийн сэтгүүлд 40 гаруй өгүүлэл нийтлүүлсэн
Олон улсын болон үндэсний хэмжээний хуралд 8 удаа илтгэл хэлэцүүлсэн
10 гаруй ном, нэг сэдэвт бүтээл, гарын авлага, 6 сургалт арга зүйн гарын авлага хэвлүүлсэн. /Бүтээлийн жагсаалтаар бий/, Бүтээлээс нь ОХУ, Украйны эрдэмтэд иш татсан байна.
Mongolian pastureland utilisation’s tradition, Russia, Ulan-Ude, 2015
Some issues of legal regulation on protections of untouched natural resources, Korea, Jeju law University, 2015
The international policy in the field of the pastureland management and Mongolia, In Russia, Ulan-Ude, 2016
Land ownership, 2009
Specific of credit contract, 2010
Some issues of legal regulation on protections of untouched natural resources, 2012
The current issue and approach of legal regulation land law, 2015
Some issues of Legal regulation on land planning, 2016
Current situation of credit contract disputes by the court practice, 2017
Some issues of legal regulation on land ownership, 2012
The basis of business law, (co-authored) book, 2012, Ulaanbaatar, 978-99962-941-8-1
International law, Handbook, 2009, Ulaanbaatar, 978-99962-941-2-9
Program degree:
Exam subjects:
Minimum score:
PO Box 35, Post office 51, 41 khoroo, Jukov street, Enkhtaivan Avenue, Bayanzurkh district, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
+976 17010-1991, +976 9510-1991